Ordering from Pacific Pearls

Prices are inclusive of all US taxes, and we offer free standard shipping for orders of more than one item.  Please email us for information about cost of international shipment.

Unless specified otherwise, strands will be shipped as industry-standard 16 inch lengths of thru-drilled pearls on ordinary synthetic thread.  Pearls in this form are free from import customs duties in many countries.  Groups of strands are sold as "hanks". Loose pearls are offered individually, or as small lots.  Please check the item description for the numbers and prices offered.

We encourage customers to assemble pearls purchased as strands themselves, or to use other providers of stringing services.  Stringing is available by special arrangement, but please contact us for pricing, turnaround times and availability.

Pearl images on our site may be referenced when inquiring about availability and pricing of products-- feel free to send along any images you can provide that help make your description more complete and precise. 

Email: info.pacificpearls@gmail.com
Phone: +1 (415) 383-3978
Mail: Pacific Pearls,
910 D St. Unit 151114,
San Rafael CA 94915

Please don't mail sample pearls etc. without first contacting us by phone or email.

Thanks for visiting Pacific Pearls.